Everything You Need To Know About Bone


Bone cancer occurs when tumors or abnormal bone tissues form. The tumor may be malignant, which means it is growing rapidly and spreading to other parts of the body.

Malignant tumors are often called cancerous. Cancers that start in the bones are rare.

Types of bone cancer

Primary bone cancer is the most serious of all bone cancers. They form directly in the bones or surrounding tissues (such as cartilage).

Cancer may also spread or metastasize to the bones from another part of the body. This is called secondary bone cancer, and this type is more common than primary bone cancer.. best cancer treatmentdoctor in delhi

Common types of primary Bone Cancer Include

Multiple myeloma (MM)

Multiple myeloma is the most common type of bone cancer. This happens when cancer cells grow in the bone marrow and cause tumors in individual bones. MM usually affects the elderly.

Among bone cancers, MM has the best prognosis, and many of them do not require treatment.

Osteosarcoma (osteosarcoma)

Osteosarcoma or osteosarcoma usually affects children and adolescents, but it can also occur in adults. It tends to originate from the tips of the long bones in the arms and legs.

Osteosarcoma may also start in the hips, shoulders, or other locations. It affects the hard tissues that provide the outer layer of bone.


Chondrosarcoma may occur in the pelvis, thigh area, and shoulders of the elderly.

It is formed in the subchondral tissue, which is the tough connective tissue between bones. This is the second most common primary cancer involving bones.

Ewing's Sarcoma

Ewing’s sarcoma is a rare cancer that originates in the soft tissues surrounding bones or directly in the bones of children and young adults.

The long bones of the human body (such as arms and legs) and the pelvis are usually affected.

What causes bone cancer?

·         Suffering from bone pain and swelling

·         Palpable lump in the long bones of the extremities

·         Feeling tired or tired

·         Less common symptoms include:

·         Bones that break easily

·         Lose weight



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